Cashew Bird to Charadriomorphae

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Cashew Bird to Charadriomorphae

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Picture of Cashew Bird

Picture of Cashew Bird

Cashew Bird or Cushew Bird,
            The Cashew bird was so called, according to Edwards (Gleanings, ii. page 181, pl. 295), from the likeness of the blue knob on its forehead to the cushew or cashew nut, which is an appendage to the fruit of Anacardium occidentale. The bird is the Northern helmeted curassow (Pauxi pauxi), also known as the Galeated Curassow.


            In North America the Catbird is the name of a common and familiar summer-visitor Dumetella carolinensis, one of the MOCKING-BIRDS, which in addition to the mewing and harsh cry for which it is notorious, is also a remarkably good songster.  In Australia the birds of the genus Ailuroedus (ie some of the Bower birds), and especially Ailuroedus crassirostris, or smithi of some ornithologists, are so called for the same reason.

            The third group of 19th Century Professor Huxley's Suborder SCHIZOGNATHAE (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, pp. 457, 458), composed of the Families Laridae (GULL) and Procellariidae (PETREL), Colymbidae (Diver) and Alcidae (Auk).

Cedar Bird
            A name given in North America to a delicately-colored and rather common bird, the Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum), for a long while confounded with its larger congener the Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus), which it much resembles in appearance and character - among them the dilatation at the tip of the secondary wing quills looking like red sealing-wax; but it is much smaller and plainer in plumage.

            Professor Huxley's name (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 467) for the group containing the Picidae (WOODPECKER) and Iyngidae (WRYNECK), to which he found it difficult to assign a place.  Parker subsequently (Trans. R. Microsc. Soc. 1872, p. 219) raised them to a higher rank as SAUROGNATHAE.

Cere or Ceroma
            From "cera" meaning "wax", the Cere is the soft, generally somewhat swollen skin which covers the base of the upper bill.  The cere is especially well defined in Parrots and Diurnal Birds-of-Prey (see Bill).


Chachalaca or Chiacalacca
            The ortalis genus of birds, who are part of the Cracidae family.  The Chachalaca birds inhabit the very southnmost part of the USA, and central and South America.  They are so-called in Texas from their cry (see GUAN).


Chamaea or Wrentit

Channel Bill or Channel Billed Cuckoo
            Latham's name in 1802, and since generally used for a bird described and illustrated by Phillips in 1789 (Voy. Botany Bay p. 165, pl.) as the "Psittaceous Hornbill," and by John White in 1790 (Journ. Voy. N. S. Wales, p. 142, pl.) as the "Anamalous Hornbill," which was apparently first obtained 16th April (but according to other accounts this species leaves New South Wales in January or February, only returning in October to breed) 1788, and therefore not long after the foundation of the Australian colony.  Latham seeing the need of a new genus for it, made one, Scythrops, and as Scythrops novae-hollandiae it has been almost always recognized ever since, though its systematic position has often been disputed - its large and curiously grooved bill inducing some to refer it to the Bucerotidae (HORNBILL), while its zygodactyl feet caused others to place it among the Rhamphastidae (TOUCAN). It is now generally allowed to belong to the Cuculidae (Cuckoo).

Chapparal Cock or Road Runner

            The first group of Prof. Huxley's Suborder Schizognathae (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 457), nearly corresponding with the Pressirostres and Longirostres of Cuvier, and the Limicolae or Sculopaces of Nitzsch - or in other words including most of the SNIPES and PLOVERS.

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