The Sparrow Hawk - Accipiter nisus

»» The Sparrow Hawk and other Hawks as a meaning of the word Netz in the Bible
The Sparrow Hawk (Scientific latin name: Accipiter nisus) is found in sub-tropical and temperate areas in the Old World. It finds abundant food in smaller birds, and it is thought that only a small amount of its food comes from other sources like mice and similarly small mammals.

The Sparrowhawk's Nest

The sparrow Hawk selects for its nest the crannies of rocks and the tops of tall trees. Sometimes it builds in deserted ruins, but its favourite spot seems to be the lofty treetops, or if there are no suitable treetops locations available, alternatively, the rock-crevices. It will sometimes builds a nest of its own, but often the Sparrowhawk will take possession of the nest which has been made by some other bird. Some ornithologists think that it looks out for a convenient nest, say of the crow or magpie, and then ejects the rightful owner. Others consider, however, that it mostly takes possession of a nest that is already deserted, without running the risk of fighting such enemies as a pair of angry magpies. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that the bird returns to the same nest year after year.

The Appearance of the Sparrow Hawk

It is a bold and dashing bird in appearance, though of no great size, and when wild and free displays a courage which it seems to lose in captivity. As is the case with so many of the birds, the female is much larger than her mate. The male weighs about six ounces (170 grams), and measuring about a foot (30 centimetres) in length, with a wingspan of around 2 feet. He has a slate-grey back, and a white breast with orangey-red bars. The female Sparrow Hawk however weighs above nine ounces, and measures about fifteen inches (38 cm) in length. She is also slate-grey on top but, unlike the male, below she has slightly browner underparts with bars which are more greyish.


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